
Kamis, 22 September 2011

The first E-Reflection - PETA class

Today is my first day in Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment (PETA) class. It was really awesome and I really enjoy in this class. The most important thing is, I have a new lecture, she has a long name but we can call her only with  Ine. We had a lot of things in the class like doing introduction with mention our name, hometown and the previous holiday. Everyone has different way to spend his/her holiday like getting lazy at home, doing private teaching, join with some organizations etc.
After that, Ms. Ine divided class into 5 groups for this whole semester. It makes us easy to work because with discussion we can share everything that we had in our brain. We discussed what effective teacher should have and how a teacher do effective teaching. We have to write it down at flip chart and do gallery work to see our friends' work. We will see the similarity and the differences about that.  The result of what we think about effective teacher are supportive, charming, patient, humble, punctual, discipline, consistent, have many ways to teach, have many experience in teaching, etc. Then, what we think about effective teaching are have many method in teaching, well-prepared, deal with students need in learning etc. 
Ms. Ine asked us who has a dream to be a teacher and we give many respond of that, for example  me , when I was child, I always think that I must study everyday and the occupation which has relation with it is to be a teacher but I also have the other passion which to be a business woman because my previous education was accounting. I love teaching and business. The next question, Ms. Ine ask, who is our teacher that inspire us to be a teacher and the respond are the teacher so energetic, patient, caring, etc. Beside of that, there’s also students who doesn’t have the inspire teacher like me and Gratika. We didn’t have because, my previous teacher is very bossy who force me to apply a job not continue my study in teaching. Gratika’s teacher is not caring about her goal (to be a teacher).
We also write our expectation after getting this course on a piece of paper. If we have achieved our expectation, we can take it off from her. I hope that I can achieve everything that I have written there. My goals are I want to know more about assessment, I want to be a creative and innovative teacher in assessment, and I can find what my students need later on. Amiiinn 
Before finishing the class, Ms. Ine distribute a questioner relates with SSE and our subject. I fill all question with all my heart because it review about a teacher and the graduate quality of SSE. I hope that I can graduate with all requirement I must do.
I think that in this class, I get low stress environment in learning because I get comfortable with this class. I will do my best at all subject especially in this subject. I love PETA ....
                                                                                                                Jakarta, 22nd September 2011
Warm Regards,

Aprillia Fitriyanti
English Department

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