
Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Aprillia Fitriyanti_Humanistic_Individual Essay3

Individual Essay: Reflecting Personal Identity among Others Identities
Everything Depends on You!

Everyone in this world has their own identity. It can be different or same with others’ identity. They may have more than one identity in facing others. For example; Budi is a boy, he is also a teacher and he is a Muslim but Rico is a boy, he is a doctor and he is a Christian. Both of them have different and same identity. They are a boy but they have different occupation and religion. How is it? What do you identity think about that? Can they be a friend?
One of my friend ever said to me that sometimes, a different can make us confuse to make a friend. She said that we will more comfortable with the same identity friend rather than with the different identity. For me, this kind of paradigm can appear disunity. Not the differences of religion only which can make a disunity but also others things such as race, skin color, ethic, education background etc.
According to my opinion, I am disagree if there is someone who make friends with the same identity and refuse a friend with different identity because for me everyone has opportunity to have a friend even he/she is different.  What do you think if you are in that position; you will feel sad, won’t you? Before doing something, I will think twice to avoid I do hurt others feeling because their differences. 
Actually, I have many identities, I am a girl, I am an oldest sister in my family, I am a Muslim, I am a student in SSE, I am from Tanjung Priok etc. Sometimes, I found a friend with same identity but not rare, I found a friend with different identity. Yet I still make friend with them. I still feel happy with friend who has different identity to me. There is no guarantee that a friend with same identity will be our best friend and there is no also guarantee a different identity friend cannot make us happy.
Making a friend with same or different identity is not wrong. Whatever they think about that identity, it depends on with they believe in. Although everyone has a right to choose their friend, maybe for them, consort with same identity can make achieve their best achievement and help them to feel comfortable because they have same vision and mission in life or same views of thinking etc. For people has opinion to consort with different identity, they are not also false because they want to appreciate each others, make a link as much as possible, appreciate a different and think a different as a beautiful thing. Everything is depending on what are you thinking about that……

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