
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

2nd Jounal Reflection - PETA - Aprillia Fitriyanti

2nd Session: Planning For Instruction

Everything must be planned well. By well-preparation, we hope that our goal can be achieved at the end. If you do well preparation, you have 80% successful on your hand, said my lecture. Even we have 20% to fail, we can measure and anticipate it with our preparation, so preparation is so important.  In preparation, we plan everything that we have to do or don’t, time allocation, what we need, the goal of our activity, how we do our planning in our activity etc. This preparation is also needed for our evaluation at next activity. We can learn from our previous experience such as the difficulties, troubles at techniques, etc.
Planning is also needed in education. As a teacher, we must prepare everything before we teach our students. We can use lesson plan as a preparation for us. In lesson plan, we plan many things relate about our students such as prior knowledge of students, instructional objectives, resources/ materials/ technology, instructional procedure, activities and assignment. By that lesson plan, we really hope that our class could effective at all.
In my PETA (Principles of Effective Teaching & Assessment) class, we watched a video about teaching and learning process. In that video, a teacher of elementary school, thought her students by doing experience with the object of learning. The teacher and her students are really excited of that. After discussing with my team, we think that this part, it is quite effective because this activity is meaningful, the student will remember because they see and touch it. In other hand, the teacher also do reading fairy tale and I think that part is quite ineffective because the students only listen the teacher’s story without interaction with teacher.
In my discussion, after watching the video, we have to concern about three things, such as opening, activities, and closing of the class, are they effective or not? And we also need give reason why it is effective or ineffective based on our discussion.  In opening the class, the teacher told the students what they are going to do. The activities, they do asking and answer, go to rambutans tree, and telling the fairy tale. At the end of the class, the teacher gives some life values for her students.
After that, we were given a piece of paper; we have to choose the activities are real or fiction. There are only two activities which are real.  Then, we continue my lecture presentation about students’ characteristic and behavior. I think that as next generation of teacher, we have to use the students a center of teaching and learning process and also the center of making lesson plan.  I also learned about bloom taxonomy, the steps are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. If we can do a creation of our activity, it means that we achieve the highest of bloom taxonomy and hopefully, we also can do it to our students later on.
At the end of PETA class, my team and I got an assignment to make a lesson plan based on standard of competency which we have chosen.  I think it is quite difficult because I never make a lesson plan before but I will give my best to do it with my team. Keep spirit…..

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