
Kamis, 29 September 2011

2nd E-Journal - Technology and Language Learning

Technology is Friend of 21st Century Teacher

                Now days, technology is a need for everyone.  It is not a complement in our life but it is a must in our life. Can you imagine that you do your activities without your mobile phone? Or without updating your status at Facebook or Twitter? Or send your task without an email? You like or not, technology really helps us in doing everything. We can do something faster, cheaper and more efficient in terms of time and money with technology. For example, before the existing of an email, we have to print our documents out and also send it by post office. Moreover, it will take two or three days to receive one document but after email exist   in our life, we can share our documents only in a while. Technology is really helpful for us.
                The development of technology is done at every aspect in our life include in education. its development is also so fast. For example, when I was at elementary school, I never knew about slide presentation or how to operate a computer. It happened because my teacher only assess the students with conventional ways like re-write from blackboard, summarize the thick book, answer many question without getting know the true answer etc. Now, I can see that teaching and learning process can use technology to make it more efficient. For example, teacher encourages the students to learn by them selves with technology. Teaching and learning process does not always do in classroom, but we can use technology like doing reflection in blog or sending task through the email.
                The implementation of technology also can be done in delivering the materials. The material is made more live and attractive. We can add some picture, video, or sound in our class. It is hoped that the material will be easier understood by the students. As a teacher, we do not teach depend on the material which exists in the class like black board, chalk, or marker. We can use video and we give the student to analyze the video.  I think it will more effective, because in this era, teacher is not a center of learning and teaching process again but the students replace that.
                Actually, each method and technology have their own strengthen and weakness, so as a teacher, we have to be a smart teacher to provide a method plus technology which deals with what students need. Teacher may mix the media to choose the best way to teach certain subject. One thing that teacher must know that technology is only a tool to help us, so we are a controller and teacher must also concern about contain of the material not just about technology. It will be useless if the media is good but the teacher and contain is bad. Teacher, contain, and technology are integrated each others….

Aprillia Fitriyanti
English Department


2 komentar:

rizalnajjara mengatakan...

This is a strong reflection, April. I like the way you conclude this reflection by stating how teacher, media, and the content relate to each other. Yes, as we have discussed in class, these three are inseparable aspects in determining learning outcomes.

Desri Fitriana mengatakan...

That's cool :). Your reflection told about nowadays condition. I agree with your statement that we can't life without updating our status at Facebook or Twitter although one day. Yeah, because we like that to share our feel into social networking. It's true. Cool :)

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