
Kamis, 29 September 2011

2nd E-Journal - Technology and Language Learning

Technology is Friend of 21st Century Teacher

                Now days, technology is a need for everyone.  It is not a complement in our life but it is a must in our life. Can you imagine that you do your activities without your mobile phone? Or without updating your status at Facebook or Twitter? Or send your task without an email? You like or not, technology really helps us in doing everything. We can do something faster, cheaper and more efficient in terms of time and money with technology. For example, before the existing of an email, we have to print our documents out and also send it by post office. Moreover, it will take two or three days to receive one document but after email exist   in our life, we can share our documents only in a while. Technology is really helpful for us.
                The development of technology is done at every aspect in our life include in education. its development is also so fast. For example, when I was at elementary school, I never knew about slide presentation or how to operate a computer. It happened because my teacher only assess the students with conventional ways like re-write from blackboard, summarize the thick book, answer many question without getting know the true answer etc. Now, I can see that teaching and learning process can use technology to make it more efficient. For example, teacher encourages the students to learn by them selves with technology. Teaching and learning process does not always do in classroom, but we can use technology like doing reflection in blog or sending task through the email.
                The implementation of technology also can be done in delivering the materials. The material is made more live and attractive. We can add some picture, video, or sound in our class. It is hoped that the material will be easier understood by the students. As a teacher, we do not teach depend on the material which exists in the class like black board, chalk, or marker. We can use video and we give the student to analyze the video.  I think it will more effective, because in this era, teacher is not a center of learning and teaching process again but the students replace that.
                Actually, each method and technology have their own strengthen and weakness, so as a teacher, we have to be a smart teacher to provide a method plus technology which deals with what students need. Teacher may mix the media to choose the best way to teach certain subject. One thing that teacher must know that technology is only a tool to help us, so we are a controller and teacher must also concern about contain of the material not just about technology. It will be useless if the media is good but the teacher and contain is bad. Teacher, contain, and technology are integrated each others….

Aprillia Fitriyanti
English Department


Senin, 26 September 2011

1st Essay Humanistic - What do you think about others?

Different doesn’t mean we can’t be a friend ^^

When I was a child, I have a friend whom has different religion and race with me.  No one wants to be her friend because she has black skin color and curly hair. They think that she is a monster and they always annoy her by calling her as desbon (desi Ambon) because her hair  or blacki because her skin color. I only the one who want being her friend. Actually, she is also my friend at home, at school and also at English course, so I quite close with her at that time. I never think that she is different with me or with my friends. I think that my friends are false if they annoy her with call that name.

According to me, she is very kind and funny girl. She never hate people who always annoy her because she is different. She always be patient and accept that as a joke. One thing that I love from her, she is very smart in Math. I always do my Math homework with her and also with my friend whom annoy her. She never refuse them even they always insult her. In my class, we have ever got a perfect score after studying math with her and my friends who always insult her , do apologize with her and say thanks and also they promise that they will not call her again with desbon or blacki. My friends and I still being her friend until now even we choose different university and different major. We still keep in touch each other.

In my family, I am taught to accept a different thing as a common thing. Don’t ever insult because her/him is different. If do that, we can hurt someone’s heart. My family and my society always give me to appreciate differences. For example, when we as a Muslim people celebrate Lebaran Day or Idul Adha Day, we always invite other neighbor who have different religion with us to eat together or help to prepare what we need and also share what we have like cookies, ketupat etc. In harmony, when neighbor non-Muslim celebrate their day, we also help them to prepare everything ok. I feel that a different make me happy because with differences , I can have many brothers and sisters. We help each other and we appreciate each other when we pray with our believe.
My expectation in Humanistic is I can be a real human. I think that this subject will be my favorite subject because it will discuss about how we should see our social around us. It will be a challenging because even we have stayed at one country or town, actually we have to know how much we know about it. It is a deep understanding or not?. Have you think about the history of your name? or How you think about a group of people whom a minority? These question will be answered by this subject. I also think that this subject will full with discussion and debate because everyone has his/her own perspective to see one problem in our society. We can not force someone to accept or agree with our argument. By this subject also I can learn to appreciate others’ argument in order to avoid a fight. I think I will enjoy this class. Humanistic, I am coming…..

Kamis, 22 September 2011

1st E-Journal - Technology and Language Learning

After reading this article, I can know more about how teachers use technology in their second language teaching around the world . There so many things that are reviewed here, for example the using of an email for planning a bilingual Web site at California University , watching the French students via satellite TV for discussing a proposed minimum wage cutback at Case Western Reserve University and using of real-time computer assisted discussion to gain additional writing practice in class at Hawai’I University
I think that, it is so cool that they use technology in their teaching to help the students. In my university, we also do technology based learning because one of graduation quality in SSE is to be a teacher who expert in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To achieve that goal, the students in SSE are taught how to be a Hi-Tech Teacher by many subject about that and this subject one of the subject which will learn about the theoretical and also practice technology in teaching English.
In this article, I also read about the history of technology in second language learning. It describes about the method in teaching second language. There are grammar translation, audio-lingual method, and communicative language teaching. I think that the method of grammar translation and audio-lingual method are old method because it seems like a teacher center learning. In contrast, communicative language teaching is newer than both methods because it is a student center learning.
I think that each method has its advantages and disadvantages. I think we have to know when and where we must use  this method or others method to achieve  our goal in  teaching and deal with what student need. Not only think, that we must use technology in teaching but also we have to consider the other aspect like what our students previous education or the culture. If we also concern about that, I think that we will get the point about technology and also do not erase the natural process of teaching. Technology is needed but face to face teaching also needed.
I hope that this subject will help me to more understand about how we should use technology in second language teaching. I must update verything about technology because when I teach 3 years later, I think that the technology will better than now. I do not want to be a “gaptek” teacher. I also hope that I still use technology in appropriate way in teaching. I will do my best in this subject. Keep spirit to be a high-tech teacher !! …..
                                                                Aprillia Fitriyanti

The first E-Reflection - PETA class

Today is my first day in Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment (PETA) class. It was really awesome and I really enjoy in this class. The most important thing is, I have a new lecture, she has a long name but we can call her only with  Ine. We had a lot of things in the class like doing introduction with mention our name, hometown and the previous holiday. Everyone has different way to spend his/her holiday like getting lazy at home, doing private teaching, join with some organizations etc.
After that, Ms. Ine divided class into 5 groups for this whole semester. It makes us easy to work because with discussion we can share everything that we had in our brain. We discussed what effective teacher should have and how a teacher do effective teaching. We have to write it down at flip chart and do gallery work to see our friends' work. We will see the similarity and the differences about that.  The result of what we think about effective teacher are supportive, charming, patient, humble, punctual, discipline, consistent, have many ways to teach, have many experience in teaching, etc. Then, what we think about effective teaching are have many method in teaching, well-prepared, deal with students need in learning etc. 
Ms. Ine asked us who has a dream to be a teacher and we give many respond of that, for example  me , when I was child, I always think that I must study everyday and the occupation which has relation with it is to be a teacher but I also have the other passion which to be a business woman because my previous education was accounting. I love teaching and business. The next question, Ms. Ine ask, who is our teacher that inspire us to be a teacher and the respond are the teacher so energetic, patient, caring, etc. Beside of that, there’s also students who doesn’t have the inspire teacher like me and Gratika. We didn’t have because, my previous teacher is very bossy who force me to apply a job not continue my study in teaching. Gratika’s teacher is not caring about her goal (to be a teacher).
We also write our expectation after getting this course on a piece of paper. If we have achieved our expectation, we can take it off from her. I hope that I can achieve everything that I have written there. My goals are I want to know more about assessment, I want to be a creative and innovative teacher in assessment, and I can find what my students need later on. Amiiinn 
Before finishing the class, Ms. Ine distribute a questioner relates with SSE and our subject. I fill all question with all my heart because it review about a teacher and the graduate quality of SSE. I hope that I can graduate with all requirement I must do.
I think that in this class, I get low stress environment in learning because I get comfortable with this class. I will do my best at all subject especially in this subject. I love PETA ....
                                                                                                                Jakarta, 22nd September 2011
Warm Regards,

Aprillia Fitriyanti
English Department

Selasa, 20 September 2011

The first posting

Dear my blog,

Heloooooo, I'm here now. Actually it's not a first time for me to have a blog but unfortunately, I forgot my previous blog password. It's very annoying that it's so hard to remember all the things that I have in unreal world. But in next time, I won't forget my password because why ??? because every posting here will discuss about my assignment in my campus. So, a blog is a must !!!
I feel glad can learn by myself about blog because I don't really expert in technology, but i will expert after getting this course. And I hope everything gonna be ok in this semester . Amiiiiin :D

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