
Kamis, 22 September 2011

1st E-Journal - Technology and Language Learning

After reading this article, I can know more about how teachers use technology in their second language teaching around the world . There so many things that are reviewed here, for example the using of an email for planning a bilingual Web site at California University , watching the French students via satellite TV for discussing a proposed minimum wage cutback at Case Western Reserve University and using of real-time computer assisted discussion to gain additional writing practice in class at Hawai’I University
I think that, it is so cool that they use technology in their teaching to help the students. In my university, we also do technology based learning because one of graduation quality in SSE is to be a teacher who expert in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). To achieve that goal, the students in SSE are taught how to be a Hi-Tech Teacher by many subject about that and this subject one of the subject which will learn about the theoretical and also practice technology in teaching English.
In this article, I also read about the history of technology in second language learning. It describes about the method in teaching second language. There are grammar translation, audio-lingual method, and communicative language teaching. I think that the method of grammar translation and audio-lingual method are old method because it seems like a teacher center learning. In contrast, communicative language teaching is newer than both methods because it is a student center learning.
I think that each method has its advantages and disadvantages. I think we have to know when and where we must use  this method or others method to achieve  our goal in  teaching and deal with what student need. Not only think, that we must use technology in teaching but also we have to consider the other aspect like what our students previous education or the culture. If we also concern about that, I think that we will get the point about technology and also do not erase the natural process of teaching. Technology is needed but face to face teaching also needed.
I hope that this subject will help me to more understand about how we should use technology in second language teaching. I must update verything about technology because when I teach 3 years later, I think that the technology will better than now. I do not want to be a “gaptek” teacher. I also hope that I still use technology in appropriate way in teaching. I will do my best in this subject. Keep spirit to be a high-tech teacher !! …..
                                                                Aprillia Fitriyanti

6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

What is your opinion, which one is the better way or method to convey second language to students?

aprillia fitriyanti mengatakan...

like what i say on my posting, we have be able in choosing what kind of method which deals with what students need and every method has advantages and disadvantages, it depends on the situation in the class :)

Anonim mengatakan...

what article that you mean, Gadis? *pretend to a visitor who don't know the article* hehehe... by the way.. what a nice, what do you mind about over utilization or "kebablasan" of technology? :))

aprillia fitriyanti mengatakan...

hahahaha * i'm sorry not mention that :)

ya, again what I have said above we have to also concern about the previous and the culture of our student in order to not erase the nature in teaching. I think technology is only a tool and the human is the operator . Don't a human to be a tool of technology :)

thanks for your comment

Ema mengatakan...


pertanyaanku adalah apakah kau masih gadis atau sudah janda??? #sambil bernyanyi dangdut

heehe just joking

Even one of my teachers ask for my friend to type his files.

You know what??? because he doesn't know how to operate the computer.

rizalnajjara mengatakan...

Haha...Ema's comment is so funny. April should answer the question (by singing dang dut too).

As a language teacher, which aspect that you should consider first: change in teaching/learning language principles or change in technology?

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