
Senin, 26 September 2011

1st Essay Humanistic - What do you think about others?

Different doesn’t mean we can’t be a friend ^^

When I was a child, I have a friend whom has different religion and race with me.  No one wants to be her friend because she has black skin color and curly hair. They think that she is a monster and they always annoy her by calling her as desbon (desi Ambon) because her hair  or blacki because her skin color. I only the one who want being her friend. Actually, she is also my friend at home, at school and also at English course, so I quite close with her at that time. I never think that she is different with me or with my friends. I think that my friends are false if they annoy her with call that name.

According to me, she is very kind and funny girl. She never hate people who always annoy her because she is different. She always be patient and accept that as a joke. One thing that I love from her, she is very smart in Math. I always do my Math homework with her and also with my friend whom annoy her. She never refuse them even they always insult her. In my class, we have ever got a perfect score after studying math with her and my friends who always insult her , do apologize with her and say thanks and also they promise that they will not call her again with desbon or blacki. My friends and I still being her friend until now even we choose different university and different major. We still keep in touch each other.

In my family, I am taught to accept a different thing as a common thing. Don’t ever insult because her/him is different. If do that, we can hurt someone’s heart. My family and my society always give me to appreciate differences. For example, when we as a Muslim people celebrate Lebaran Day or Idul Adha Day, we always invite other neighbor who have different religion with us to eat together or help to prepare what we need and also share what we have like cookies, ketupat etc. In harmony, when neighbor non-Muslim celebrate their day, we also help them to prepare everything ok. I feel that a different make me happy because with differences , I can have many brothers and sisters. We help each other and we appreciate each other when we pray with our believe.
My expectation in Humanistic is I can be a real human. I think that this subject will be my favorite subject because it will discuss about how we should see our social around us. It will be a challenging because even we have stayed at one country or town, actually we have to know how much we know about it. It is a deep understanding or not?. Have you think about the history of your name? or How you think about a group of people whom a minority? These question will be answered by this subject. I also think that this subject will full with discussion and debate because everyone has his/her own perspective to see one problem in our society. We can not force someone to accept or agree with our argument. By this subject also I can learn to appreciate others’ argument in order to avoid a fight. I think I will enjoy this class. Humanistic, I am coming…..

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

it is great and long essay (more than 500 words), but so interesting that makes me wanna respond longer. You have explained and understood much about humanistic studies themes, so my question is "is this course useful for you"? anyway, thanks for your well-done essay.
please do the best

aprillia fitriyanti mengatakan...

sure, that the humanistic study is very useful because I will know about how we see differences around us and how we appreciate that different. This course also will develop my critical thinking about something because we have different way (perspective) to force problem.

I also have revise my blog in order to minimize my word and thanks a lot for your comment

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