
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Aprillia Fitriyanti_D3_ Essay about name and logo about my name and myself

I am Proud of My Name

 One thing that you get after were born is a “Name”.  Name is not only about a common word but also your parents take a praying inside your name.  The meaning can be taken from your parents’ name, history, certain culture, or from famous person. Hopefully, you can imitate the power of that name or just describe your characteristic of your birthday. There are so many ways to choose the name for the children; it is really influenced from many factors such as religion, culture, ethnic groups etc.  
I also have a name with meaning from my parents. Actually, when I was born, my father gave name for me “Aprilla Fitri” but my others member of family were not agree with that. They thought that the sound is quite weird. After discussion with all members of family, we decide to add some words for my name. Finally, my name is “Aprillia Fitriyanti”. They add “lia and yanti”. In my family, the initial letter name is always A. It is like tradition in my family. My brother’s name is Aditia Rahman Arief and my sister’s name is Adinda Rachmasari.
The meaning of my name is really easy to read. Aprillia is caused by my birth month because I was born on 5th April 1992. On that day, it was a “Lebaran Day”. It was the second day of Lebaran Day. My parents really be grateful because my birth because I am the first child for them, and I was born in pure day which is Lebaran Day. Then my parents give word “fitri” which was taken from “Idul Fitri”. The last word of my name is yanti which is given by my aunt. Finally, my name is “Aprillia – fitri-yanti”.
If someone asked me about “Do you think your name is appropriate for you? Why?” I will answer with certainty that my name is appropriate and I proud with name. It caused of my name really describe my birthday which is the month and also the day. My name also can be used in many situations. Everyone also feel easy to call and remember my name. He/she can deal my name all the time (from calendar).
I am so proud of my name. I think that I was so lucky because I could be born at “Lebaran Day”. I also never think that I will change my name because, again, I proud with my name. I thank to Allah because I can get that name. For me, my name is so meaningful because my parents and my family give that name with all praying, thankfulness, hope (everything that it is good for me), so I will not change my name. In my name, there are my parents, my family, and my history. I proud with my name…….

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