
Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Aprillia Fitriyanti_2010120044_IE God

Rasakan Tuhan dengan Hati
Indonesia adalah negara yang mengakui 5 agama yakni Islam, Kristen Protestan, Kristen Katholik, Budha dan kepercayaan Konghuchu. Para pemeluk agama di Indonesia juga terkenal saling menghargai satu sama lain agama yang mereka anut. Pernah ditayangkan disalah satu TV swasta, umat agama Kristen membantu membersihkan Masjid dalam rangka pelaksanaan Sholat Id berkenaan dengan Perayaan Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Keharmonisan ini juga dibuktikan dengan adanya Masjid dan Gereja yang berdiri berhadapan. Ini terjadi di Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta dan salah satu gereja. Jika ada perselihan, itu hanya menampung kepentingan oknum, badan, atau organisasi tak bertanggung jawab. Kasus seperti itu pun, tak mampu menghancurkan keharmonisan dan kerukunan bergama di Indonesia.
Keharmonisan inilah yang ada di keluarga saya. Saya dibesarkan dilingkungan yang kebanyakan memeluk agama selain Islam. Namun, saya tetap menghargai keberadaan mereka. Ini dibuktikan dengan saya menghardiri acara perayaan Natal. Kami saling bercengkrama dan menikmati hidangan yang semuanya adalah makanan halal. Mereka pun turut andil dalam perayaan Idul Fitri, contohnya mereka memberikan bingkisan parcel menjelang Idul Fitri. Semua itu begitu indah dan harmonis.
Namun ini tak terjadi seutuhnya di negara lain, sebut saja Amerika.Tuhan adalah abstrak. Tuhan? Seperti apa Tuhan itu? Kenapa kita harus menyembah-NYA? Dimana rumah-NYA? Ini adalah hanya segelintir pertanyaan yang muncul. Jika ditelisik dari sudut ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, tidak ada seorang pun di dunia ini yang mengetahui bagaimanakah bentuk, keberadaan, dan untuk apa kita menyembahnya. Sampai detik ini pun masih banyak penelitian untuk “menemukan” Tuhan tapi hasilnya nihil. Akibatnya banyak orang yang memilih untuk mengangap benda-benda kesukaan atau benda nyata lainnya yang mereka sembah sebagai Tuhan mereka. Contohnya menganggap musik, lukisan, ilmu filsafat, ilmu lainnya sebagai Tuhan mereka.
Fenomena inilah yang kadang sedikit mengusik hati kecil saya mengenai, percayakah  saya terhadap Tuhan? Dan bagaimana cara saya menangkap keberadaan-NYA? Saya percaya tehadap Tuhan. Tuhan adalah Dzat yang tidak dapat dilihat namun dapat dirasakan. Ini terjadi karena setiap orang memiliki dua kebutuhan yakni kebutuhan jasmani dan kebutuhan rohani. Pemenuhan keduanya haruslah seimbang tak boleh berat sebelah. Salah satu bentuk pemenuhan kebutuhan rohani adalah beribadah. Dalam agama Islam, saya dapat melakukan sholat, zakat, puasa, mendengar ceramah dll sebagai bentuk pendekataan diri terhadap Tuhan. Ketika beribadah, saya seperti dapat “berkomunikasi” dengan Tuhan. 
            Keberadaan Tuhan memang tak bisa dilihat namun dapat dirasa. Rasa ini dapat dirasakan kapanpun dan dimanapun. Saat yang paling intim untuk berhubungan dengan Tuhan adalah saat kita beribadah. Keberadaan Tuhan juga dapat dilihat dari ciptaan-NYA. Siapa yang menciptakan langit dan bumi? Siapa yang menciptakan manusia? Jawabannya adalah Tuhan. Karena tidak ada ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi apapun yang  dapat menciptakan itu semua. Semut pun tak bisa manusia ciptakan menggunakan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Jadi, Tuhan memang tak terlihat, namun dapat dirasa.
Tuhan hanyalah satu jenis, meski saya tak dapat melihat Tuhan apa yg saya sembah namun saya percaya dan yakin bahwa Tuhan itu ada. Biarkanlah orang lain mempunyai agama selain diri saya namun tetap menghargai kepercayaan mereka. “Agamamu agamamu, Agamaku agamaku” begitupun dengan Tuhan. Tuhan ada satu namun cara penyembahannya dan kepercayaan atas bentuk dan keberadaannya sajalah yang membedakan satu agama dengan agama lain. Tapi itulah hidup diantara banyak agama, harus saling menghargai.

Aprillia Fitriyanti
Individual Essay of Humanistic Studies
English Department

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Technology to Teach Thinking Skills _TLL_ Aprillia Fitriyanti

The first impression before reading this material is how come technology used to teach thinking skill? How to operate it? Is it possible? Because like my lecture said technology is only a tool for helping human do everything fast, easy, practice but how about this. I have big curiosity to find out all of questions which came up in my mind through this material. After reading the whole materials, I can find the answer.
Now days, technology is not only the tool which only used for doing simple thing but also the complex thing, for example the usage of technology to teach thinking skill. If the teacher used the technology wrongly, I think the students will get confuse because thinking skill means critical thinking to face something. The teacher can involve the students with technology in the teaching and learning process. It must encourage the students’ cognitive and support the content and language learning.
Using technology in teaching thinking skill is not easy. The teacher must make sure that the technology which he/she used is suitable with the objective of the learning. The teacher also must create thinking-oriented environment. The teacher must give chance the students to construct their own definition about something deeply.
The example of using technology in teaching thinking skill is WebQuest. Here, the teacher can provide the problem or task to be solved by the students. The elements which are exist; introduction, task, process, resources, guidance, closure and reflection. It is really acceptable for cooperative learning so the students can learn something critically with friends.
One thing that really important is the teacher and the students are still the actor of teaching and learning process. The technology is only the media to facilitate the teacher deliver the material to the students.

Aprillia Fitriyanti
5th Journal Reflection of TLL’s Class
English Department

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

2nd Jornal Reflection_Aprillia Fitriyanti_LTM

Our Students are Unique

The goal of teaching and learning process is to achieve the objective ( to make the students understand about the material). To achieve the objective in teaching and learning process, there are so many methods which can be used by language teacher such as Audiolingualism, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning (CLL), Communicative Language Teaching, Silent Way, and Total Physical Respond.  The teacher also must be able to combine the methods with the technique of teaching such as; lecturing, discussion, etc. Not only method and technique which must be concerned by the teacher but also there is one thing as important, it is Multiple Intelligences.
Multiple Intelligences is the intelligence which everyone has, instead of their interesting in doing something, the way someone study etc. There are 8 kinds of multiple intelligences; they are logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, musical, interpersonal, naturalist and verbal-linguistic. Each kind of intelligence has its criteria and interesting. Everyone may have two or more intelligences but it must be more dominant than others. For example, for the person who has bodily-kinesthetic, they are more active and when they study, they feel happier or more motivated when the teacher do physical activity or movement but the person who has intrapersonal intelligence, they prefer to study by themselves. This is the thing that as a teacher must be concerned by the teacher.
As a teacher we must make a activity in the class which exact with all multiple intelligences because teacher will meet all kind multiple intelligences in one class. It must be considered by the teacher. We have to be able to huddle up all kind of multiple intelligences. It is a challenging for the teacher.

Aprillia Fitriyanti
Section D
Journal Reflection : Multiple Intelligences
English Department

1st Jornal Reflection_Aprillia Fitriyanti_LTM


1.       The advantages and disadvantages after knowing this method, watching the video and present our presentation about Community Language Learning
There are so many advantages which we get after getting this activity like we know that we have to really pay attention about the instruction from lecture and teaching method is flexible. It is not strict with the theory. We also will more build good communication in our team.
We feel that there is no disadvantages of this activity. We assume that everything is a part of learning.

2.       The strength and weakness of our team
©  The strengths of our team: we get the information for this presentation is not only from the video but also from other resources. We combine it in our presentation and we also deliver the message of our presentation clearly. We are quite solid to help each others when others have not understand about the materials.
© The weakness of our team: after getting other resources for our presentation, we did not really concern about the video which has already given by our lecture. We did not really pay attention about the instruction for presenting this material. We also did not compare the theory which we have got with the video. We did not realize about the differences between theory and video for example, in the video, there is no recording the sound of students while discussion but the theory said that, this method encourage the teacher should have same L1 with the students in order to the method can more efficient when giving the instruction, but again, in that video, the teacher and the students have different L1 but the method still works well. The last one is we need to more communicate about our presentation each other in order to we can get the best answer (criticize the theory with the implementation in teacher because the method is flexible depends on the need of students)

3.       What we learn from the video.
Actually this video gives many thing for us. We learn much from this video such as we can know differences the method of teaching. Before watching this video, we did not know about the name of each method and also the real implementation of the teaching method. We already know about the theory of some method in this video, but we never know how these method implement in the class. We also learn about the technique of each method. Although this video is old but it still useful for us to know more about teaching method.

Community Language Learning Team :
§ Aprillia Fitriyanti
§ Eko Rahmanto
§ Erwin Mustika Sari
§ Ivan Aditia
§ Merry

Aprillia Fitriyanti_PETA_3rd Journal


There are so many ways for teacher to teach their students to deliver the material. It is influenced by what the materials are and what method the teacher wants. After I got Principles of Effective Teaching Assessment (PETA) class, I knew about four kinds of model instruction. They are Direct Instruction, Lecture Discussion, Guided Discovery, and Group Interaction. Let’s know about them, one by one.
Direct Instruction is the method which is used for teaching skills and concept. It has the 6 characteristics ; Reviewing the previous materials, presenting new material with logical steps, providing guided practice, giving feedback, providing independent study, reviewing what students have learned. This model of instruction has strengthen and weakness. This model instruction’s strengthen is the concept is really clear because the teacher guide the students to introduce them about the new concept by practicing, so the teacher tried to involve the students to figure out the new concept. The weakness of this models instruction are the students will be more passive because the teacher really take the control of learning.
Lecture Discussion is the method which is used to teach by brief presentation with discussion between teacher and students. The steps in this models are introduction, presentation, comprehension monitoring, integration, the last one are reviewing and closure.
Guided Discovery is the method which is designed to encourage students to do cooperative learning. The steps of this method are introduction and review, the open-ended phase, the convergent phase, closure, and application.
Group Interaction is the method which is used to encourage the students study about something with discussing others naturally. The steps are introduce group work with the task, give the students’ group activity, seat the students based on their group, give time allocation for the group to finish the task, require the students to write everything that they have got, and monitor what they discuss.

Aprillia Fitriyanti
English Departement


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