
Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Technology to Teach Thinking Skills _TLL_ Aprillia Fitriyanti

The first impression before reading this material is how come technology used to teach thinking skill? How to operate it? Is it possible? Because like my lecture said technology is only a tool for helping human do everything fast, easy, practice but how about this. I have big curiosity to find out all of questions which came up in my mind through this material. After reading the whole materials, I can find the answer.
Now days, technology is not only the tool which only used for doing simple thing but also the complex thing, for example the usage of technology to teach thinking skill. If the teacher used the technology wrongly, I think the students will get confuse because thinking skill means critical thinking to face something. The teacher can involve the students with technology in the teaching and learning process. It must encourage the students’ cognitive and support the content and language learning.
Using technology in teaching thinking skill is not easy. The teacher must make sure that the technology which he/she used is suitable with the objective of the learning. The teacher also must create thinking-oriented environment. The teacher must give chance the students to construct their own definition about something deeply.
The example of using technology in teaching thinking skill is WebQuest. Here, the teacher can provide the problem or task to be solved by the students. The elements which are exist; introduction, task, process, resources, guidance, closure and reflection. It is really acceptable for cooperative learning so the students can learn something critically with friends.
One thing that really important is the teacher and the students are still the actor of teaching and learning process. The technology is only the media to facilitate the teacher deliver the material to the students.

Aprillia Fitriyanti
5th Journal Reflection of TLL’s Class
English Department

1 komentar:

Upit Sofyani mengatakan...

It's a great posting April!
What kind of activity that you will apply in the real class?

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